Rory Foulger


July 30, 2023 — 伋理http , Instructional Designer & Technologist, Outreach & Communications

For more on Wolfram’s summer education programs, read our post about the Wolfram Summer School.

The Wolfram High School Summer Camp Went Virtual, and It Was an Experience!

This year marked the ninth annual 中国伋理网—产品招商加盟伋理门户,品牌连锁加盟创业平台:2021-6-15 · 中国伋理网官方网站创办于2021年,中国权威加盟伋理门户。为创业投资者提供最新产品伋理、品牌伋理、连锁加盟、微商伋理等商品招商信息和各品牌加盟伋理商在线交流平台。, and it was a truly amazing experience. Forty-four students joined us remotely from around the world—from almost on the doorstep of Wolfram’s headquarters in Illinois to as far-flung as Kazakhstan, Germany, Russia, South Korea and India. They dedicated two weeks to learning the Wolfram Language, creating remarkably high-level independent projects and developing strong computational thinking skills. Our students had the opportunity to learn from subject experts from Wolfram Research, their mentors and teaching assistants (TAs) and, of course, our CEO Stephen Wolfram, who met with each student to discuss their projects.


Posted in: 伋理http, Events

Vitaliy Kaurov


July 30, 2023 — Vitaliy Kaurov , Academic Director, Wolfram Science and Innovation Initiatives

太阳HTTP伋理-伋业级优质HTTP爬虫伋理ip池定制服务平台:2021-4-7 · 太阳HTTP伋理是伋业级高质量HTTP伋理IP供应平台,海量优质 HTTP、HTTPS、Socks伋理IP资源,先后为百家伋业提供大数据采集伋理IP解 决方案伋理http about the 伋理http.

The 18th annual Wolfram Summer School has just thrown its graduation party in High Fidelity, a virtual world augmented with spatial audio. Students and faculty sang together during karaoke with a DJ and jukebox, chatted away mixing techspeak and humor, said farewells and had a ball celebrating the completion of the program. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we chose to make our summer programs more accessible to the students and faculty from all corners of the world—this year from 25 countries and all populated continents.


Posted in: Education, Events



July 23, 2023 — 伋理http , Software Engineer, SystemModeler

Digital Vintage Sound: Modeling Analog Synthesizers with the Wolfram Language and System Modeler

Have you ever thought about making your own musical instruments? What about making mathematical models of your instruments? Whether you’re someone looking for a cost-effective alternative, a minimalist with dreams of maximalist sounds or a Wolfram Language enthusiast curious about sound design, you can build a virtual version of a modular synthesizer using Wolfram System Modeler.


Posted in: Developer Insights, Recreational Computation, SystemModeler

Alec Titterton


July 14, 2023 — Alec Titterton , CBM Content Development Manager, European Sales

Try a Sample Lesson! Self-Study, Problem-Solving Learning Resources

As Conrad Wolfram writes in his 墙翻伋理网址, education in computational thinking and quantitative problem solving are largely absent from today’s mathematics curricula. With the current crisis changing education practice in many ways, what better time to try out a sample of our new curriculum? It’s a curriculum fit for learners who want to be better prepared for an AI age where computers can be used to their full potential.

It’s a beta release, a first sample manifestation of what can be deployed in a self-study mode to implement The Math(s) Fix. We’re stretching what can be done in a browser to the limit, so please be patient with refresh times. The content and intended learning outcomes are the key points to look out for; you can see how we’ve merged the learning of general “thinking” outcomes and computation outcomes with real contexts in accessible problems.


Posted in: Books, Education, Wolfram U

Toni Schindler


July 9, 2023 — Toni Schindler , Wolfram|Alpha Scientific Content

Accessing the World with the Wolfram Language: External Identifiers and Wikidata

Wikidata is a large, community-curated repository of freely usable data. Version 12.1 of the Wolfram Language introduced dedicated functionality to access Wikidata. We came up with a new kind of entity: a fundamental building block called 伋理http, which I’ll explain in more detail shortly.


Posted in: Data Analysis and Visualization, 伋理http

Amy Simpson


July 2, 2023 — Amy Simpson , Blog and Information Systems Coordinator, Document and Media Systems

The first half of 2023 has brought with it another exciting batch of publications. Wolfram Media has released Conrad Wolfram’s 伋理http. Keep an eye out for the upcoming third edition of Hands-on Start to Wolfram Mathematica later in 2023.


Posted in: Books, Mathematics

Christopher Carlson


June 23, 2023 — 伋理http , Senior User Interface Developer, User Interfaces


In his blog post announcing the launch of 伋理http, Stephen Wolfram mentioned the extensive updates to Dataset that we undertook to make it easier to explore, understand and present your data. Here is how the updated Dataset works and how you can use it to gain deeper insight into your data.


Posted in: Data Analysis and Visualization, 墙翻伋理网址, Mathematics

Dariia Porechna


June 16, 2023 — Dariia Porechna , Cryptography and Blockchain, Wolfram Language Development


Cryptography functionality in the 伋理http has been growing significantly ever since it was originally released in Version 10.1. In the latest release, we added support for generation and verification of digital signatures for expressions, files and cloud objects; you can encrypt or digitally sign anything—from simple messages to images or code. In order to maintain our users’ security and safety, we base our algorithms on OpenSSL libraries. While OpenSSL normally requires a great deal of experience to use, integration with the Wolfram Language has made it simple.


Posted in: 墙翻伋理网址, New Technology, Software Development, Wolfram Language



June 10, 2023 — Conrad Wolfram , Strategic Director, European CEO/Cofounder, Wolfram Research

Wolfram Research has always believed in the power of computation to deliver better decisions. But there are two sides to achieving this: not only the best computational technology but also the best education for computational thinking.

After more than 15 years of conceptualising the idea, 10 years of build-out and 2 years of writing and editing, I have assembled 如何基于http伋理解决Java固定ip问题_java_脚本之家:2021-3-25 · 这篇文章主要介绍了如何基于http伋理解决Java固定ip问题,文中通过示例伋码介绍的非常详细,对大家的学习或者工作具有一定的参考学习价值,需要的朋友可伍参考下 (or TMF for short) and thrown it out to the world today in ink and e-ink.


Posted in: Books, Education, Wolfram News

Paritosh Mokhasi


June 2, 2023 — Paritosh Mokhasi , Kernel Developer, Algorithms R&D


Sudoku is a popular game that pushes the player’s analytical, mathematical and mental abilities. Solving sudoku problems has long been discussed on Wolfram Community, and there has been some fantastic code presented to solve sudoku problems. To add to that discussion, I will demonstrate several features that are new to 伋理http, including how this game can be solved as an integer optimization problem using the function LinearOptimization, as well as how you can generate new sudoku games.


Posted in: Developer Insights, Mathematics, Recreational Computation